Athe Awards for Training Anda Higher Education | ST. Gabriel Pre-University

Everything About ‘Pre-University’ Education Program

When you have a plan to continue your study abroad, the term ‘pre university’ will be thrown around a lot when you are choosing the best education option to prepare you for your journey at an international university. Some universities even require pre-university education for their prospective young new students.

This question may pop out in some of you; what is pre university education? Do I have to take it? Before you proceed further in finalizing your decision, learn more about pre-university and what it entails in this post right now!

What is Pre-University?

Pre-university is defined as an education option for students to join a short-term university program that will later help boost their education when joining the international university later in the future. In Indonesia, pre-university is a stepping stone for young students that will help accelerate their study when they’re attempting to earn their bachelor’s degree at an international university.

What Do You Get From Pre-University

What kind of lesson you get depends on what program you took at the start of the admission process. Similar to standard university, pre university will provide the students with all the academic material and lessons they will need according to the major they’re studying in. The lesson and knowledge they will get will help them when transferring their study to an international university to finish their degree later.

Other than academical study, the students will also get many activities and study trips that will boost their soft skills such as critical thinking, independence, communication, and many other skills and competence that not only will help them in university, but also build a solid foundation for them in the long run during adulthood.

What is Pre-University Qualification

There are various qualifications for enrolling in pre-university, and the question ‘what is pre university qualification’ has many answers; it depends on each institution and the curriculum they use. But normally they will need to complete their ninth or tenth grade of school first in order to be able to enroll in pre university education.

Pre-university is the best education option for those who want to finish their studies faster than other people of their age. Doing in-depth research and asking people is necessary since there are many things to consider before choosing the perfect education that suits you or your loved one the best. If you wish to choose pre-university as your next journey, St. Gabriel’s Pre-University is opening its door for prospective new students that wish to accelerate their study to international university; especially in learning Business Management. Not only will you get an internationally recognized bachelor’s degree in Business, a pathway option to various international universities in the UK, Singapore, and Australia is also available and you can finish your study and earn your degree all in less than 3 years. Learn more at to find out more about one of the leading pre-university in Jakarta.

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